• Concap magnesium +vit.B6 shot

Concap magnesium +vit.B6 shot

Vitamins & minerals

De Concap Magnesiumshots werden verrijkt met vitamine B6 voor een betere opname van het magnesium. Deze shots zijn ongetwijfeld de beste anti-krampformule verkrijgbaar op de markt.

De fruitige frambozen-smaak draagt bij tot een vlotte inname van de handige uni-dosissen. Zonder chemische bindmiddelen, denken we aan alles om uw gezondheid en prestaties optimaal te ondersteunen.

Concap magnesium is an ideal supplement to support your muscles both when exercising and in addition.

After all, magnesium is an essential nutrient that your body needs for more than 300 biochemical processes. It supports muscles, nervous system and helps maintain strong bones

NUT-Number: 1386/29

CNK-Number: 3967973

1 ampule contains 25 ml.

1 box contains 20 ampules.

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€2.50 €1.25/piece
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Per dagportie (25 ml) : magnesiumcitraat (250 mg magensium, 67% RI*), water, conserveermiddelen: natriumbenzoaat en kaliumsorbaat, zuurteregelaar: citroenzuur, aroma: frambozen, zoetstof: sucralose, pyridoxinewaterstofchloride (1.4 mg vitamine B6, 100% RI*).
*RI : referentie-inname

Shake well before use. 1 shot of 25ml daily before meals on rest days. In sports, you take the shot before exertion. Even if cramps have already occurred, it is possible to use another shot. The complaints will then disappear after a few minutes.
Food supplement. Do not exceed recommended daily dose without medical advice. Do not use without medical advice during pregnancy, lactation and minors. Does not replace a healthy and varied diet. Store in a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight and young children.
Place of origin: EU.

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